Author: twigtoulouse

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The TWIG Committee would like to invite you all to our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September 09.30 – 12.00, in its usual home, Salle des Aines, Pibrac (Christmas Fair Cafe space). As usual, this coffee morning is open wide to everyone; firstly, to you 



The next TWIG Annual General Meeting 2024 will take place in the Salle Des Aines, Pibrac. It will take place on the 15th March. The meeting will begin at 10.00 with drinks and nibbles available from 09.30 onwards. We look forward to welcoming our members 

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The TWIG Committee are very pleased to announce that the TWIG Macmillan Coffee raised 540 Euros for this great cause.  

Thank you everyone who turned up with cake donations.  They were all very tasty and I think lots of homes continued to enjoy cake into the weekend, judging by the number that left in cake boxes.

Thank you to everyone who donated so generously on the day too.  

Thank you to everyone who couldn’t come along on the day but still donated and/or baked a cake too. You are wonderful.

Shout out to the TWIG team who were there pulling it all together.  We had new members sign up, whilst enjoying cake and coffee.  A lovely way to pass a Friday morning. 

We started this idea in 2016 and it’s great to see that it’s still so well supported by TWIG members and their friends.



The TWIG Committee would like to invite you all to a Coronation Lunch.  We know the official Coronation is in May but with all the French bank holidays it was decided that June would be a better month to hold our Coronation event hoping as 

Women’s Refuge Request 

Women’s Refuge Request 

Dear Members, Here is a special request that comes from a young woman who is leaving Olympe de Gouge for her own house. She has been at the refuge for a very long time.  She knows that she won’t get all her needs wish list but 



The next TWIG Annual General Meeting 2023 will take plac in the Salle Des Aines, Pibrac. Date and time to be confirmed. We look forward to welcoming our members along to the meeting. Please remember to renew your membership for 2023 now so your voice can be heard at the AGM.

President’s Letter To Members

President’s Letter To Members

Dear Members As President of TWIG I´d like say a big WELCOME to all new members who joined this year. We are happy to meet you, hope you have made new friends, found a place in the TWIG family and that you will enjoy participating 

Request for donations for women´s refuge

Request for donations for women´s refuge

We continue with our appeal for donations in support of the Association Olympe de Gouges (refuge for women & their children, here in Toulouse). Please let Liz Dixte know if you have any pre loved items you would like to donate.   The Association has been 

Activities : Covid -19 guidelines

Activities : Covid -19 guidelines

Just to remind those of you that may attend their activity groups that you will need to follow certain safety guidelines concerning Covid-19.

Members who attend an activity will have to be registered (sign in)  by the group leader: giving their name and contact and inform your group leader about any suspicions of having the virus or having been in contact with someone who has tested positive.  Please don’t go to your group meeting if you feel ill or have any ill health symptoms.

Hand Gel will be provided for members to use on entering and leaving the group meeting.

Masks should probably be worn when members arrive and there will be sufficient space between seating.

Members are invited to bring their own mug/plates etc, to a meeting, if they wish to do so.  However,  hosts can provide sanatised mugs/plates etc.

All associations are giving out strict guidelines to their members concerning meetings.  You know your own groups and if you have any questions/concerns please contact your group leader to discuss them.  They will be happy to chat to you.

On a brighter note, (virus and guidelines permitting), we hope to be able to organise a traditional Christmas Lunch on Monday 7th December, in the Salle Polyvalente, organised and catered for by our events co-ordinator and her team.

It would certainly be nice to catch up with you all sometime in the near future but in the meantime take care and keep safe.

TWIG is 35 years old

TWIG is 35 years old

To celebrate we held a birthday lunch for our members catered by our members. Heather Lemetayer, the founder of TWIG was in attendance to share the history of our English Speaking Ladies Group, re-named a while ago to Toulouse Women’s International Group and to reflect