Who is TWIG?
TWIG is the Toulouse Women’s International Group. It is a multinational Group of English Speaking Women living in and around the Toulouse area.

How do I become a member?
To join the Toulouse Women’s International Group, head to the TWIG website homepage and click Join/Renew – http://toulousetwig.org/

Alternatively you can attend a Welcome and Help coffee morning where our membership secretary will explain all the benefits to TWIG membership and how to join. To attend a Welcome and Help coffee morning please contact the Membership Secretary membership@toulousetwig.org

What does it cost for TWIG Membership?
Membership costs €20 for a full calendar year. Half yearly subscription is available if you join after 1st July.

What does my membership include?
To be part of a strong and recognised organisation to share friendship, support and information with English-speaking women, access to member coffee mornings, access to activity groups with regular updates from activity leaders, access to welcome and help service, regular magazine issued 2/3 times per year, opportunity to attend and vote at annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings, opportunity to nominate charities as beneficiaries from the annual TWIG Christmas fair, opportunity to attend member only events and member directory to make contact with other member.

I have changed my contact details, who should I contact?
Should you change any of your contact details (Name, Address, Telephone Numbers, Email Address) you must inform the Membership Secretary membership@toulousetwig.org

Can non-members attend TWIG events?
Yes, non TWIG members can attend all TWIG events. As we subsidies some events, the Event Organiser can inform you if there is a small charge to attend as a non-member.

Can I bring my husband, partner and children along to a TWIG event?
The Majority of TWIG events are held just for women because they are held on weekdays when husbands/partners are at work and children are at school. However TWIG do hold a few events during the year where husbands, partners and children are invited to attend.

How often do I receive the TWIG magazines?
The Grapevine is issued two to three times a year.

I want to join the TWIG committee, how do I go about this?
All Committee positions available within TWIG are advertised in the Grapevine Magazine, website, social media and through email updates. If a committee position becomes available and you wish to apply for the position you can do so by contacting the TWIG Chairperson. All TWIG Committee positions come up for election at the AGM.

How do I find out about non-committee positions within TWIG?
All non-committee positions available within TWIG are advertised in the Grapevine Magazine, website, social media and through email updates. If a committee position becomes available and you wish to apply for the position you can do so by contacting the TWIG Chairperson or any committee member to see if their are any positions available.

I am not receiving any TWIG emails?
Emails will only be sent to members who have put an email address on their membership form.

If you have have an email address on your membership form you may only be receiving the weekly / bi-weekly activities update but nothing from the activity groups. This could be because you have not registered to be a member of an activity group. Only members signed up to a specific activity group will receive emails regarding that activity group. The majority of members do not want to receive emails regarding activity group’s they have no interest in.

If you are not receiving any weekly / bi-weekly activities or activity group emails (for activity group’s that you are a signed up member of) then you need to contact the Membership Secretary and activity group leader to insure your email details are correct on the relevant databases.

What charities does TWIG support?
Every year TWIG choose three Charities to support. You have an opportunity at the Annual General Meeting to nominate your favoured registered charity and by a vote, the charities will be selected – it is YOU that nominates and decides. The three charities receiving the highest number of votes become the “Christmas Fair Charities”. It was agreed at the 2013 AGM that 3 charities will benefit from the profits of the Christmas Fair and that there should be equal distribution of monies received from the Christmas Fair to the 3 charities.
Past years, have seen TWIG supporting Lea Pour Samy, Victoria Benevolent Fund, Wateraid, Chiens Guides d’Aveugles du Sud-Ouest, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity (SANDS), Association Olympe de Gouges, Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group, Women for Women, Macmillan, Oscar’s Angels and CAMFED.

Can I put forward a charity for TWIG to support?
All members have an opportunity to put forward a charity for TWIG to Support. Registered Charities may only be put forward for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. To put forward a charity you will need to complete a charity nomination form. This form is issued to all TWIG members via email every January. The completed form is then returned to the TWIG secretary before mid- February. All charity nominations are then sent out to TWIG members with a brief description on each charity. TWIG members then vote on the charity they wish to support at the Annual General Meeting.

How do I join an activity group?
All existing and new members are given information about the activity groups via the latest Grapevine magazine, website or in the welcome pack.

For existing members you can contact the leader of the activity group you wish to join.


Chairperson – chair@toulousetwig.org
Secretary – secretary@toulousetwig.org
Membership Secretary – memership@toulousetwig.org
Grapevine Editor – grapevine@toulousetwig.org
Website Co-ordinator – website@toulousetwig.org

What will be sent out via E-mail communication?

With the exception of the weekly “What’s on”, ‘blanket’ e-mails will only be used for pressing issues that need urgent action. In all cases, such e-mails may only be sent out via the committee.

The weekly “What’s on” sent out via e-mail includes a summary of new notices, together with a direct link to the TWIG events page. Members will then have the choice as to whether they access the information, or not.