Activities : Covid -19 guidelines

Activities : Covid -19 guidelines

Just to remind those of you that may attend their activity groups that you will need to follow certain safety guidelines concerning Covid-19.

Members who attend an activity will have to be registered (sign in)  by the group leader: giving their name and contact and inform your group leader about any suspicions of having the virus or having been in contact with someone who has tested positive.  Please don’t go to your group meeting if you feel ill or have any ill health symptoms.

Hand Gel will be provided for members to use on entering and leaving the group meeting.

Masks should probably be worn when members arrive and there will be sufficient space between seating.

Members are invited to bring their own mug/plates etc, to a meeting, if they wish to do so.  However,  hosts can provide sanatised mugs/plates etc.

All associations are giving out strict guidelines to their members concerning meetings.  You know your own groups and if you have any questions/concerns please contact your group leader to discuss them.  They will be happy to chat to you.

On a brighter note, (virus and guidelines permitting), we hope to be able to organise a traditional Christmas Lunch on Monday 7th December, in the Salle Polyvalente, organised and catered for by our events co-ordinator and her team.

It would certainly be nice to catch up with you all sometime in the near future but in the meantime take care and keep safe.